Jaws (Richard Kiel)

Jaws (Richard Kiel)


Jaws played by Richard Kiel

Born in Detroit, Michigan, USA on 13th September 1939

Starred In The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) and Moonraker (1979)


Jaws' mission to eliminate anyone who comes into contact with the microfilm containing the submarine tracking system is very successful. Throughout the film he murderers Aziz Fekkesh, Max Kalba and even a shark, although fails to kill Major Anya Amasova when Bond interferes. He does survive the destruction of Atlantis however.

In Moonraker Jaws is first seen in the pre-title sequence where he pushes Bond out of a plane without a parachute. Jaws doesn't reappear in the film until Hugo Drax's henchmen Chang is killed, and he is hired as a replacement.

Later Jaws travels to Rio de Janeiro where he unsuccessfully attempts to kill Manuela after Bond saves the day once more. Dr Holly Goodhead and Bond later have a one-to-one encounter with Jaws atop one of the cable cars travelling to Sugarloaf Mountain. Unwittingly crashing into the cable car base station after another failure, Jaws emerges from the wreckage where he first spots Dolly who becomes his unlikely girlfriend.

Near the end of the film the action moves to outer space, where all the main players travel to Drax's space station. After Bond manages to subtly convince Jaws that Drax would probably have Dolly killed in the near future, Jaws changes sides and becomes an ally to Bond helping him defeat Drax.


At over 7 foot 2 inches, Jaws towers above everyone else. With a mouthful of metal teeth, he certainly has the image to match too. Seemingly invincible, Jaws manages to survive a large number of setbacks and situations that no one else does. While only saying one line in both films, like so many of the mute villains throughout the Bond series, his sheer presence and aurora speaks volumes.

In The Spy Who Loved Me Jaws is portrayed as an intimidating, determined, unstoppable character where as this changes in his second appearance. In Moonraker Jaws is used for comic effect, appearing in all the films laughable sequences usually at his expense. At the end of the film the role reverse to Bond ally proves interesting, although Jaws is seen as much less menacing at this point.

When Jaws and Dolly are left aboard Drax's space station, their survival is guaranteed when Colonel Scott reports picking up two survivors; a tall man and a short blonde woman. §


Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)
Jaws (Richard Kiel)

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