Mr Jones (Reginald Carter)

Mr Jones (Reginald Carter)


Mr Jones played by Reginald Carter

Died September 1995

Starred In Dr No (1962)


After Bond arrives at Kingston Airport in Jamaica, Mr Jones introduces himself as Bond's chauffeur to Government House. Bond naturally phones ahead to confirm his suspicions, and correctly finds out that indeed no chauffeur was sent.

Bond plays along with Mr Jones hoping to find out whom he is working for. On an isolated road he confronts Mr Jones, where after he attempts to reach for a gun, Bond uses his judo skills to stop him. He allows Mr Jones to get a cigarette, but realises too late that the cigarette contained cyanide as Mr Jones slumps over.


Another operative of Dr No, Mr Jones is sent to learn more information about Bond. After Bond defeats Mr Jones in a short one-sided fight, he tells Bond he will talk. Like many of Dr No's operatives, Mr Jones would rather kill himself than reveal any information. §


Mr Jones (Reginald Carter)
Mr Jones (Reginald Carter)
Mr Jones (Reginald Carter)

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