Moonraker Title Sequence
Title sequence created by Maurice Binder
'Moonraker' performed by Shirley Bassey, written by John Barry and Hal David
Featured in Moonraker (1979)
In the last scenes of the pre-title sequence, Jaws is seen falling through the sky after his parachute fails, landing on a circus big top. The title theme then takes over showing a silhouette continuing to fall to the sound of drums. The familiar female silhouettes bouncing in slow motion around the screen return, leading once again to seeing the image of Roger Moore as Bond.
Sticking mostly to a blue colour palette with added smoky effects, there are images of the Earth and silhouettes flying through the air and space aplenty. While certainly not the worse sequence in the series, Moonraker is sadly somewhat safe, disappointing and oh too familiar.
Shirley Bassey returns for the third and final time to sing the title theme for Moonraker », along with John Barry back on the scene. What maybe should have been a fitting swan song for the great Welsh vocalist turns out to be the worst of her three themes. While the love ballad isn't related to the feel of the film, there is atmosphere, and there is passion, but they just don't seem to come together. Even though the theme has a half-decent melody, and does contain some nice cues, even the talents of Shirley Bassey can't raise this above simply average.
The mediocrity continues with Moonraker fairing badly in the US charts, only managing a very poor 137th, with the single not even charting at all in the UK market.
Where are you? Why do you hide? Where is that moonlight trail that leads to your side? Just like the Moonraker goes, in search of his dream of gold, I search for love, for someone to have and hold. I've seen your smile in a thousand dreams, felt your touch, and it always seems you love me. You love me.
Where are you? When will we meet? Take my unfinished life and make it complete. Just like the Moonraker knows, his dream will come true someday. I know that you, are only a kiss away. I've seen your smile in a thousand dreams, felt your touch, and it always seems, you love me. You love me. §
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