Goldeneye Sound Clips

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James Bond:
"It's too easy"
Alec Trevelyan:
"Half of everything is luck James"
James Bond:
"And the other half?"
An alarm sounds
Alec Trevelyan:
Download this clip (81KB, 0:11)
General Arkady Grigorovich Ouromov:
"This is Colonel Ouromov, come out with your hands above your heads"
James Bond:
"How original"
Download this clip (39KB, 0:05)
James Bond:
"Are these pictures live?"
"Unlike the American government we prefer not to get our bad news from CNN"
Download this clip (41KB, 0:05)
"You don't like me Bond you don't like my methods, you think I'm an account. A bean counter more interested in my numbers than your instincts"
James Bond:
"The thought had occurred to me"
"Good. Because I think you are sexist misogynist dinosaur, a relic of the cold war. Who's boyish charms so wasted on me obviously appealed to that young woman I sent out to evaluate you"
James Bond:
"Point taken"
Download this clip (163KB, 0:22)
"A pen. This is a class 4 grenade. Three clicks arms the four second fuse, another three disarms it"
Bond clicks the pen three times
James Bond:
"How long did you say the fuse was?"
"Oh grow up 007"
James Bond:
"They always said the pen was mightier than the sword"
"Thanks to me they were right"
Download this clip (154KB, 0:21)
Bond points his gun at Valentin
Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky:
"Walther PPK, 7.65 millimetre, only 3 men I know use such a gun, I believe I've killed 2 of them"
James Bond:
"Lucky me"
One of Valentin's men points a gun at Bond
Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky:
"I think not"
Download this clip (110KB, 0:16)
Irina sings in the background
Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky:
"James Bond. Charming sophisticated secret agent. Hmph! Shaken but not stirred?! (laughs)"
James Bond:
"I see you haven't lost your delicate sense of humour Valentin, or your need for an auidence. Who's strangling the cat?"
Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky:
"Strangling a cat?"
Valentin shoots the sofa, just missing Bond
Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky:
"That is Irina, my mistress"
James Bond:
"Very talented girl"
Download this clip (288KB, 0:41)
Dimitri Mishkin:
"Who was behind your attack on Severnaya?"
James Bond:
"Who had the authorisation codes?"
Dimitri Mishkin:
"Russia may have changed, but the penalty for terrorism is still death"
James Bond:
"And what's the penalty for treason?"
Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova:
"Oh stop it both of you, stop it. Your like, boys with toys"
Download this clip (86KB, 0:12)
Jack Wade:
"Who's that?"
James Bond:
"Natalya Simonova"
Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova:
"Natalya Simonova"
James Bond:
"Russian minister of transportation"
Jack Wade:
"Did you check her out?"
James Bond:
"Head to toe"
Jack Wade:
Download this clip (92KB, 0:13)
Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp is crushed against a tree
James Bond:
"She always did enjoy a good squeeze"
Download this clip (231KB, 0:34)
Alec Trevelyan:
"For England James?"
James Bond:
"No, for me"
Alec Trevelyan falls
Download this clip (187KB, 0:28)
James Bond:
"You ready?"
Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova:
"I'm not going on a helicopter with you! No plane, no train!"
James Bond:
"Darling, what could possible go wrong? Hey?"
Download this clip (63KB, 0:09)
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