From Russia With Love Sound Clips

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'Fighting Fish'
Ernst Stavro Blofeld:
"Siamese fighting fish, fascinating creatures, brave but on the whole stupid. Yes very stupid. Except for the occasional one such as we have here, who lets the other two fight, while he waits. Waits until the survivor is so exhausted that he can not defend himself. And then like SPECTRE he strikes"
Rosa Klebb:
"I find the parallel amusing"
Ernst Stavro Blofeld:
"Our organisation did not arrange for you to come over from the Russians just for amusement number 3"
Download this clip (626KB, 0:48)
James Bond:
"Come in UNIVEX, James Bond here, over"
Miss Moneypenny:
"He's been asking for you all morning, where in the world are you James?"
James Bond:
"Well I've just been reviewing a old case"
Sylvia Trench:
"Oh so I'm an old case now am I?"
James Bond:
"Sssh, It's the office. Er tell them him I'm on my way will you"
Sylvia Trench:
"He is not on his way"
James Bond:
"Sylvia behave, we'll do this again some other time soon"
Sylvia Trench:
"Do what? Last time you said that you went off to Jamaica. I haven't seen you for six months"
James Bond:
"I'll be there in a hour"
Miss Moneypenny:
"I'll tell him, hey your old case sounds..interesting James"
James Bond:
"Er, make that a hour and a half"
Download this clip (516KB, 0:40)
'Darling Moneypenny'
James Bond:
"Darling Miss Moneypenny, you know I never even look at another woman"
Miss Moneypenny:
"Oh Really James?"
Download this clip (76KB, 0:05)
'Are You Sure'
Kerim Bey:
"My friend, she's got you dangling"
James Bond:
"That doesn't matter, all I want is that Lektor"
Kerim Bey:
"All? Are you sure that's all you want?"
James Bond:
Bond and Kerim Bey laugh
Download this clip (204KB, 0:15)
'Penalty For Failure'
Ernst Stavro Blofeld:
"Bond is still alive, and the LEKTOR is not yet in our possession. I have already negotiated with the Russians to return it to them. We've agreed a price, and SPECTRE always delievers what he promises. Our whole organisation depends on our keeping those promises. I warned you. We do not tolerate failure Number Three. You know the penalty."
Rosa Klebb:
"Yes Number One"
Ernst Stavro Blofeld:
"Our rules are very simple if you fail"
Kronsteen cries out in pain
Ernst Stavro Blofeld:
"12 seconds, one day we most invent a faster working venom"
Download this clip (665KB, 0:51)
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