Saunders' Sniper Shop

Saunders' Sniper Shop


'Sniper Shop', Währinger Straße 65, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Featured in The Living Daylights (1987)


At the start of The Living Daylights Bond arrives at the opera to meet Saunders where he informs Bond about General Georgi Koskov. During the opera Bond and Saunders exit the building and walk across to a shop. Once inside they head up to the first floor where Bond takes position. As Koskov makes his escape, Bond notices a sniper. Saunders takes a look with his night vision googles, commenting on the fact it was the girl with the cello Bond noticed earlier, Kara Milovy. After only just shooting the rifle out of her arm since "the girl didn't know one end of the rifle to the other", Bond and Koskov drive off, leaving Saunders to dispose of the evidence.


The shop Bond and Saunders use is actually a sweet and chocolate shop with the first floor now a doctors surgery. §

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