Wrist Dart Gun
Wrist Dart Gun used by James Bond
Owned by MI6
Featured in Moonraker (1979)
This contraption was worn like a watch and was activated by nerve impluses from the users wrist. This then fired a dart either containing an armour piercing tip, or loaded with cyanide. M is not amused when Bond tests out the wrist gun, leading him to pierce one of M's paintings.
Later in the film Bond uses the gun in the centrifuge room where he meets Dr Holly Goodhead. Chang tries to kill Bond by putting him under very intense G-forces, but Bond manages to short out the controls using the dart gun. At the end of the film as Hugo Drax tries to escape, he manages to pick up a gun and hold Bond at gunpoint. Bond however manages to shoot Drax with the dart gun, and escorts him out the airlock instructing him to take a giant step for mankind. §
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