Mr Kil (Lawrence Makoare)

Mr Kil (Lawrence Makoare)


Mr Kil played by Lawrence Makoare

Born in Auckland, New Zealand on 20th March 1968

Starred In Die Another Day (2002)


When Bond arrives at the ice palace in Iceland he is coldly greeted by this ominous figure telling him "My name is Mr Kil", leading Bond to quip "Now, there's a name to die for!"

Mr Kil appears in a number of scenes throughout the ice palace sequences. After Zao catches Giacinta 'Jinx' Johnson, she is strapped to a device containing lots of lasers. When Zao gives Mr Kil his gun to finish her, he tells Zao he would rather prefer to kill her using lasers, thus committing the golden mistake of any villain; trying to arrange too showy a death. Mr Kil is himself killed when after a tense laser fight sequence Bond fires a laser through his head.


Mr Kil works as a security officer and bodyguard for Sir Gustav Graves. An imposing presence, this henchman certainly earns his name. With little dialogue in Die Another Day, this is another threatening, mean, silent villain that has become commonplace in Bond films. §


Mr Kil (Lawrence Makoare)
Mr Kil (Lawrence Makoare)
Mr Kil (Lawrence Makoare)
Mr Kil (Lawrence Makoare)
Mr Kil (Lawrence Makoare)
Mr Kil (Lawrence Makoare)

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