Stamper (Götz Otto)
Stamper played by Götz Otto
Born in Frankfurt, Germany on 22nd January 1967
Starred In Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Stamper is in charge of the initial stages of starting a war between England and China to create great ratings for Elliot Carver's news group. After the stealth ship sinks the HMS Devonshire, Stamper mercilessly assassinates the remaining survivors in the water.
Whilst attending a launch party at Carver's headquarters in Hamburg, Bond is taken to a soundproof room where he is beaten up by some of Carver's men. Stamper is informed and tells the men to "make him uncomfortable" whilst he listens to the speech made by his boss. By the time Stamper joins his men Bond has escaped.
Stamper later arranges for the 'auto club' to break into Bond's BMW 750iL. After they have difficulty, Stamper contacts his mentor Dr Kaufman to torture Bond to get him to open the car. Cleverly convincing Dr Kaufman to use Bond's mobile phone, he manages to gain the upper hand and kills Kaufman.
Bond and Stamper meet once again when he is captured along with Wai Lin and taken to Carver's new headquarters in Saigon. Bond and Wai Lin manage to escape after ironically throwing one of Stamper's own Chakra torture tools into his leg.
Stamper throughout the film thinks he has killed Bond a number of times, but at the end of the film, they have a final confrontation on a cruise missile platform. Bond manages to drop a very heavy weight on Stamper's feet pinning him down and knifing him in the stomach. As the cruise missile gets ready to launch, Bond applies some detonators to the exhaust, ensuring it blows up when it launches. Still stuck in position, Stamper stops him from escaping telling him that they will both die. Bond manages to escape but cutting himself out of his jacket, dropping into the water below rescuing Wai Lin trapped underwater.
Head of security for Elliot Carver, Stamper is a very menacing character, showing little mercy or rebuke whilst enjoying killing people in cold blood. While quite softly spoken, the mere physical presence of Stamper puts fear into his victims.
Stamper shows genuine emotion when he learns that Bond has killed his mentor Dr Kaufman. He speaks highly of Dr Kaufman telling Bond that he was like a father figure, and had been lecturing him in the ancient art of Chakra torture and murder techniques.
While not explained in the film, Stamper has a condition which meant that he feels little or no pain. This would be expanded on further with the character of Renard in The World Is Not Enough. §
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