General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Gottfried John)

General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Gottfried John)


General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov played by Gottfried John

Born in Berlin, Germany on 29th August 1942

Starred In Goldeneye (1995)


After Bond and Alec Trevelyan break into a Russian chemical factory in the pre-tile sequence, Ourumov holds Alec at gunpoint whilst Bond lays detonators.

After 'killing' Alec, Ourumov accompanies Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp to the Severnaya Space Facility, where she murders all the staff (or so she thinks). Ourumov later reports to Dimitri Mishkin where he is informed that Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova, has escaped. He then arranges Boris Grishenko to meet and kidnap her.

When Bond and Natalya are captured and brought to see Mishkin, they inform him of Ourumov's deception. As he arrives, he shoots Mishkin using Bonds gun, then attempts to kill Bond pretending they shot Mishkin and were killed while trying to escape. After escaping by running through some Russian archives, Natalya is caught by Ouromov's men. In the following exciting sequence Bond drives a Russian tank through the streets of St Petersburg following Ouromov's car, leaving a path of destruction behind him.

After the chase Bond parks his tank in the oncoming path of the armour train where he manages to bring the train to a halt. Bond boards the train, and after holding Alec and Xenia at gunpoint, he tells Alec to release Natalya. Ourumov is killed when Alec and Xenia make the Russian General into a sacrificial lamb, giving them chance to escape.


General Ourumov is the former Soviet Colonel in charge of a Russian chemical weapons factory seen in the pre-title sequence. Ourumov later takes charge of the Severnaya Space Facility and is promoted. General Ourumov sides with Alec Trevelyan as they conduct an elaborate scheme to use the Goldeneye satellite for personal profit. They plan to hack into British banks moments before the Goldeneye blast wipes out any trace of the crime.

Ourumov isn't physically menacing, and quite often appears to be out of his depth, or in a position he can't control. He doesn't seem to have any problems with killing people, although does on occasion seem surprised at Xenia's aggression. Towards the end of the film he does seem to get increasingly panicked, especially during the tank chase where he starts to drink heavily. §


General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Gottfried John)
General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Gottfried John)
General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Gottfried John)
General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Gottfried John)
General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Gottfried John)
General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov (Gottfried John)

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