Whisper (Earl Jolly Brown)

Whisper (Earl Jolly Brown)


Whisper played by Earl Jolly Brown

Born in Houston, Texas, USA on 18th October 1939

Died 24th August 2006

Starred In Live And Let Die (1973)


Whisper is seen in a number of scenes throughout the film, firstly when Bond travels to meet Felix Leiter in New York. After Whisper pulls along side Bond's cab, he kills the driver by using the poison dart shooting mirror in his car. Whisper later delivers some champagne to Bond at this suite on San Monique and seems to do little else, apart from hanging around.


Henchman to Dr Kananga, this very softly spoke man acts as one of his murderers. Due to his physical size Whisper chooses to do his killing using gadgets rather than brute force. However with a slow presence, very quiet low voice, he seems an unlikely killer. It is perhaps these characteristics that save Bond from killing him at the end of the film, instead locking him in a storage container. §


Whisper (Earl Jolly Brown)
Whisper (Earl Jolly Brown)
Whisper (Earl Jolly Brown)

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