Fisher (Darwin Shaw)

Fisher (Darwin Shaw)


Fisher played by Darwin Shaw

Starred in Casino Royale (2006)


Bond has a fight with Fisher in the gent's toilets at a cricket match in Pakistan. Flashbacks of this fight are shown during Bond's scenes with Dryden. In the vicious fight that follows, Bond and Fisher throw each other into cubicle walls and sinks trying to get the upper hand. Fisher reaches for his gun but Bond pushes it away. Eventually Bond manages to push Fishers face into an overflowing sink where he thinks he has drowned.

As Bond walks to the other side of the toilets and picks up his gun, Fisher quickly picks up the discarded gun and attempts to shoot him. Bond is too quick and spins around killing Fisher that leads nicely into the titles.


Fisher is the contact of the corrupt Prague section-chief Dryden. After M suspects Dryden of selling secrets, she sends Bond to investigate. He manages to track Fisher and disposes of him. §


Fisher (Darwin Shaw)
Fisher (Darwin Shaw)
Fisher (Darwin Shaw)

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