Carlos (Claudio Santamaria)
Carlos played by Claudio Santamaria
Born in Rome, Italy on 22nd July 1974
Starred in Casino Royale (2006)
After Bond has killed Alex Dimitrios he notices that the ticket has disappeared and that the bag that was stored in the cloakroom under that ticket has gone. Running outside to be confronted by the mass of people, Bond uses quick thinking to call the person using Dimitrios' phone, since he had sent a text to him already. After identifying the target, Bond follows Carlos to Miami International airport.
At the airport Bond follows Carlos who changes into a police uniform. He enters a restricted area just before Bond can stop the entry door from closing. Thinking about it for a few moments, Bond gets an idea that the text sent to Mollaka might spell out the numbers to use on the keypad. Luckily, Bond's guess is right and he makes a hurried pursuit.
In order to distract security staff and remain unchallenged, Carlos activates the sprinkler system as a diversion, and walks out onto the runway. He commandeers a fuel truck and before heading off towards the Skyfleet S570 prototype, attaches a small keyring bomb to the underside of the tanker. Bond pursues Carlos on foot, managing to run up some aircraft stairs and jumps on top of the tanker. Carlos tries to dislodge Bond by running the tanker into all sorts of aircraft vehicles, while he tries to get Carlos out of the cabin. As the tanker approaches the Skyfleet S570 prototype, Carlos jumps from the tanker leaving Bond to stop the tanker just before it hits the plane. After Bond is arrested by security services, Carlos smugly starts to detonate his bomb. During the fight however Bond had removed the bomb from the tanker, placing it on Carlos' belt. He realises this too late when he is killed by his own bomb.
With Mollaka dead, Dimitrios is under orders by Le Chiffre to find a replacement. He hires Carlos to do the job, giving him the necessary information in the bag he leaves at the Body Worlds exhibition in Miami.
Carlos has no dialogue in the film, but certainly appears a match for Bond in their nasty fight. While his plan is a good one, he is however less shrewd than his predecessor Mollaka, as he doesn't know Bond has switched the keyring bomb, leading to his demise. §
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