Jack Wade (Joe Don Baker)
Jack Wade played by Joe Don Baker
Born in Groesbeck, Texas, USA on 12th February 1936
Starred In Goldeneye (1995) and Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
After Bond arrives in St Petersburg, he walks over to a waiting Jack Wade where he delivers the agreed 'meeting line'. Calling Bond a "stiff ass Brit", Wade tells Bond to follow him to his car. After briefing Bond on the latest news, Wade takes Bond to see Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky.
Later in the film Wade lands a small plane just in front of Bond's BMW Z3. He gives Bond the latest information from Langley and then drives his car away. Wade then later appears in the final scenes of Goldeneye showing Bond what he thought was a deserted field, to actually contain a large number of US Marines in camouflage.
Wade returns in Tomorrow Never Dies in a short scene. After recovering the GPS encoder from Henry Gupta, Bond arranges for Dr Dave Greenwalt to look at the encoder. After learning that it has been tampered with, Bond asks a favour of Wade, who arranges a HALO jump for him to investigate the HMS Devonshire.
Jack Wade is Bond's CIA contact. Wade is a rather comical, eccentric character and has fairly unorthodox methods of working. He seems to have a similar regard to playing by the rules that Bond does, for example rather than exchange his 'contact lines' with Bond, Wade skips it and tells Bond to get with the times and just get in the car. Wade also seemingly insists on keeping things light, by always calling Bond 'Jimbo' or 'Jimmy', and despite his comical approach, does actually provide Bond with useful support, intelligence, contacts and resources.
Joe Don Baker also plays the villain Brad Whitaker in The Living Daylights eight years earlier. §
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