Dikko Henderson (Charles Gray)

Dikko Henderson (Charles Gray)


Dikko Henderson played by Charles Gray

Born in Bournemouth, England on 29th August 1928

Died 7th March 2000

Starred In You Only Live Twice (1967)


After meeting Aki, she takes Bond to meet Henderson. Henderson provides Bond with a Vodka Martini, stirred not shaken, "Perfect" comments Bond not wishing to upset his host. After some small talk, Henderson tells Bond that his most useful contact will probably be Tiger Tanaka. However before Henderson and Bond can really get discussing, Henderson stops talking mid-sentence. After a few seconds Bond decides to investigate, finding out Henderson has been stabbed in the back.


Bond checks Henderson's identity by tapping his wooden leg, the result of an old war wound. A resident in Japan since the end of the Second World War, Henderson tells Bond that he must excuse the rather mismatch of styles, after he refuses to go completely Japanese. An amusing character, Henderson injects enthusiasm and comical sub-tones into his conversation with Bond, but sadly the scene is cut short when Henderson is killed. §


Dikko Henderson (Charles Gray)
Dikko Henderson (Charles Gray)
Dikko Henderson (Charles Gray)
Dikko Henderson (Charles Gray)

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