Commander Talbot (Bryan Marshall)

Commander Talbot (Bryan Marshall)


Commander Talbot played by Bryan Marshall

Born in London, England on 19th May 1938

Starred In The Spy Who Loved Me (1974)


Directly after the pre-title sequence, the HMS Ranger captained by Commander Talbot is the first submarine to be captured by Stromberg and the Liparus. Much later in the film Talbot and his crew assist Bond and the other submarine crews in their take-over of The Liparus. Talbot is killed however when one of Stromberg's men drops a grenade at his feet from above.


Commander Talbot is the serious captain of the HMS Ranger. Completely different from the more light-hearted Captain Carter, Talbot is serious, formal, and plays by the book at all times. Since Talbot and his crew are kept prisoners on the Liparus little else is learnt about the character. §


Commander Talbot (Bryan Marshall)
Commander Talbot (Bryan Marshall)
Commander Talbot (Bryan Marshall)

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